Fraternité Evangélique du Senégal (FES) is the infrastructure for all Christian faith-based work and churches in Senegal. FES oversees the organization in-country called Mission Inter Senegal (MIS). MIS is focused on spreading the Gospel through supporting physical and spiritual needs. In the early 2000’s, MIS approached Providence Church about partnering with specific villages. In 2020, Jules Caho along with a team from Providence Church began working with the Ngonine Elders to form and launch a number of programs.
We have helped fund and propel work in the community including: a Christian church with outreach ministries, animal care practice, agricultural business, school, women’s ministry, and supplementary pop-up health care clinics. The church has expanded its reach to neighboring villages, and has brought the love of Jesus to hundreds of adults and children! The glory of God has been seen in village baptisms, and a partnership has been established with another village called Koberan.
There has been incredible progress in the village’s health, viability and the sharing of the gospel. While we are encouraged by this progress, we are not finished. In 2020, a new focus came to light. Our current project is called Empower Ngonine, and it focuses on these 3 pillars: Support existing village projects to ensure sustainability, while increasing their capacity and vision. Develop new revenue opportunities to strengthen the local economy and remove the need for high-risk city jobs. Equip leaders in the Ngonine church community to expand their ministry and strengthen their church plant. This will create a sustainable model of economic and spiritual success to empower the work in Ngonine that can be replicated in other villages.